Regulation 19 Local Plan
The Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) was discussed at the Scrutiny meeting on 29 July and at Cabinet on 19 August 2024 and full Council on 28 August 2024.
Read the Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19)
Please use the following link to view the Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19). Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) (pdf, 26.1mb)
Consultation is now open and will run until 23.59 on 13 October.
We're also hosting public drop-in sessions across the district - please come along and find our more. You can attend any of the following drop-in sessions regardless of where you live:
- Winchester: 11 September 3-6pm, The Nutshell Theatre, Kings Walk SO23 8AF
- Wickham: 17 September 3.30pm – 7.30pm, Wickham Community Centre, Mill Lane, PO17 5AL
- Sutton Scotney: 25 September 3.30pm – 7.30pm, The Victoria Hall, Wonston Road, SO213GX
If you would like to view printed copies of the Local Plan, they will be available at Winchester City Council's City Offices the following libraries: Alresford Library, Bishops Waltham Library, Chandler’s Ford library, Eastleigh Library, Havant Library, Hedge End Library, Martial Rose (University of Winchester) Library, Waterlooville Library, Winchester Library.
Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA)/ Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA)
The Local Plan has been prepared alongside and been informed by the Sustainability Appraisal (SA) and Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA).
The SA is an integral part of the process and is used throughout the development of the new Local Plan. This is under the umbrella of the Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA). It assesses the significant social, environmental and economic effects of the plan to ensure that decisions are made that contribute to achieving sustainable development.
The SA assesses individual sites, proposed policies and different delivery options to address the overall housing need.
The HRA identifies whether the plan is likely to have a significant effect on European protected sites and demonstrates that where significant impacts have been identified on nature conservation these will be avoided or mitigated.
Please find a link to the IIA and HRA.
- Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report Non-Technical Summary (July 2024) (pdf, 581kb)
- Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report (July 2024) (pdf, 14.7mb)
- Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report Appendices A-E (July 2024) (pdf, 19mb)
- Regulation 19 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) Report Appendix F (July 2024) (pdf, 37.5mb)
Response to the Representations on the Regulation 18 draft Local Plan
Thank you to everyone who took the time to feedback on our Regulation 18 consultation in autumn 2022. We received 967 responses from individuals, businesses, organisations and charities across the Winchester District, with a total of 3438 written comments on the Local Plan policies and site allocations.
All of the individual responses to the consultation can be viewed here. These responses are organised by the name of the responder and their organisation (if relevant).
All of the comments received have been categorised into the Local Plan policies, analysed and responded to. The responses to each comment can be viewed below under the relevant Local Plan chapter.
Each individual response has been allocated a reference number. A list of the reference numbers, name of responder and organisation can be found here. (pdf, 218kb) Please check this document for the reference number and then view this reference number against the relevant policy that you made comments on.
The representation responses tables can be viewed using this link here.
Local Plan Topic Papers
Topic papers have been prepared to provide background to and justification for the policies in the Winchester District Proposed Submission Local Plan (Regulation 19) and to respond to representations that were raised during the Regulation 18 Local Plan public consultation. The titles of the topic papers reflect the policies they relate to.
Carbon Neutrality and Embodied Carbon topic paper (pdf, 6.4mb)
Gypsy and Traveller topic paper (pdf, 1.9mb)
Housing topic paper (pdf, 1.6mb)
Heritage Topic Paper (pdf, 1mb)
Student Accommodation Topic Paper (pdf, 695kb)
Nutrient Neutrality Topic Paper (pdf, 1mb)
Development Strategy and Site Selection 2024 (pdf, 2.4mb)
Development Strategy and Site Selection 2024 Appendix 3 (pdf, 17.9mb)
Evidence Base
The Winchester District Evidence Base is information collected on key aspects of the social, economic and environmental characteristics of the district, to inform the preparation of planning documents including Local Plan and other policies.
Please find a link to the evidence base - Local Plan 2040 – Evidence Base - Winchester City Council
Statements of Common Ground
In order to be able to satisfy the current Duty to Co-operate requirements, Officers have been working with a range of statutory organisations, utility companies and neighbouring Local Planning Authorities to agree a number of Statements of Common Ground. The Statements of Common Ground can be viewed here.