Helping you get into work
We've compiled a list of ways we can help get you back into work.
Winchester District's Jobs and Opportunities Fair
Our second Winchester District Jobs & Opportunities Fair took place on Thursday 23 November 2023, at Winchester Sport and Leisure Park. The 300 attendees visited 37 stalls provided by local employers from across the Winchester District offering jobs, volunteering, apprenticeships, careers advice and training opportunities - in addition to this, our second event also included cost of living information, support and advice.
Our first Winchester District Jobs & Opportunities Fair took place on Friday 24 February 2023, at Winchester Sport and Leisure Park. The 250 attendees visited 37 stalls provided by local employers from across the Winchester District offering jobs, volunteering, apprenticeships, careers advice and training opportunities.
To find out about future events contact Emily Reason, our Sector Project Officer, at
The event was run in partnership with Winchester Jobcentre and supported employers across a range of sectors with filling vacancies.
Adult education and training
- Hampshire Futures provides a wide range of adult and community learning opportunities. You can find out more about developing your computer skills or learning opportunities in libraries.
- The National Careers Service has lots of information on different types of learning. You can even search for courses and training in your area.
- Free adult education courses are widely available in a range of subjects including English, Maths and IT. Find out more about further education courses and funding or search for courses on the National Careers Service website.
- You can find lots of skills bootcamps where you can learn new skills here.
Work experience and volunteering
Spending time doing unpaid work placements or volunteering is a great way to get ahead and find a job. New experiences in different workplaces can help you decide what you really want to do as well as showing potential employers your commitment to work. It is also a great way to refresh or learn new skills and make contacts that could lead to future employment.
Community First: Winchester offer volunteering opportunities across the district. Many organisations have volunteer programmes offering one-off or regular opportunities for volunteers. Alternatively, if an organisation particularly interests you, contact them directly to find out what opportunities they offer.
Hampshire County Council, Royal Hampshire County Hospital and Winchester Churches Night Shelter are among the many local organisations offering volunteering opportunities.
Apprenticeships and Traineeships
No matter what career you’re interested in, there’s likely to be an apprenticeship for you. You can view all types of apprenticeships on GOV.UK.
Career starter apprenticeships
The apprenticeship service has chosen some existing apprenticeships they think are perfect first jobs. These are called career starter apprenticeships.
If you cannot find a career starter apprenticeship that you like, you can search all apprenticeships as most apprenticeships are excellent first steps to take after you leave school.
View career starter apprenticeships to see what's available.
After your apprenticeship
You could get a job with your current employer after your apprenticeship. They might like to hire you because they trained you and know you can do the job well.
You could also:
- find a new job with a different employer
- go to university or start another type of higher education
- do another apprenticeship at a higher level
- volunteer to get more experience which can help you get a job
You can watch videos of real apprentices talking about their experiences, including what they did after their apprenticeship.
Levels of apprenticeships
You’ll earn a qualification from your apprenticeship.
The 4 different apprenticeship levels are:
- intermediate: level 2
- advanced: level 3
- higher: level 4 or 5
- degree: level 6 or 7
Apprenticeships also have equivalent educational levels listed on GOV.UK. For example, a level 3 apprenticeship is considered the same level of qualification as 2 or 3 A levels.
The Apprenticeship & Skills Partnership
The Apprenticeship & Skills Partnership have put together a 'Become an Apprentice' information page, here. They can also help individuals find apprenticeship training and answer any questions regarding applications or finding apprenticeship opportunities across Hampshire and Surrey.
Find a job
When you are ready to find a paid job, here is some helpful information:
- The Winchester Job Centre can help you find a position through their tailored support and guidance to find local positions and opportunities
- Findjob is a government site where you can search positions that are currently available.