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Community Safety Partnership says ‘Rethink your drink’

Stories about binge drinking, alcohol related violence, and alcohol related illnesses hit the headlines on an increasingly regular basis. Alcohol Awareness week aims to promote sensible drinking and reduce the problems caused by those who drink irresponsibly.

Each year, statistics are compiled to identify areas of the country with high levels of alcohol related problems. Compared to the national average, and indeed the regional average, Winchester has relatively low levels of alcohol related crime and mortalities. However, an area for concern in Winchester is the year-on-year increase in the number of individuals being admitted to hospital for reasons attributable to alcohol.

To highlight the potential health problems that can be caused by alcohol and to promote sensible drinking, representatives from Winchester Community Safety Partnership have been out on the streets of Winchester to remind residents to ‘Rethink your drink’.

On Tuesday, representatives from Winchester Community Safety Partnership - including councillors and officers from Winchester City Council, Hampshire County Council and members of Winchester drug and alcohol reference group (DAARG) - walked around the city centre to provide people with information on sensible drinking and offer advice on how to avoid the dangers of alcohol.

Winchester Pub Watch is also supporting Alcohol Awareness Week with a number of establishments around the City promoting non-alcoholic beverages.

Elsewhere, Street Reach will be educating young people during Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening sessions. This will include the use of ‘beer goggles’ to demonstrate the effects of drinking, educational games, and special talks.

Meanwhile, Winchester District Youth Team will be supporting Alcohol Awareness Week with a programme of events designed to provide useful information to young people about the dangers of alcohol. To find out where your local event will be taking place, email

Cllr John Cooper, Winchester City Council’s Portfolio Holder for Communities and Safety, said: “Alcohol Awareness Week gives us a perfect opportunity to promote safe drinking throughout Winchester. It’s particularly important to engage with younger people and to explain the dangers which can arise from irresponsible drinking. Although Winchester has relatively low levels of alcohol related crime, we shouldn’t become complacent and we should continue to promote the message to ‘rethink your drink’.”

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